
【2022年山东省泰安市中考英语试卷】-第1页 试卷格式:2022年山东省泰安市中考英语试卷.pdf
1.  my husband and i recently went to an amusement park with our children and grandchildren. we had a wonderful time and made lots of (1)       memories together. unexpectedly, i came across (偶遇) a warm (2)       as we made our way through the park.
  our four grandchildren were excited (3)       the attraction (吸引人之处) where children could drive the cars. i sat outside and prepared to take photos of my family. as i waited for my family to drive by, i noticed a car with a father and his son (4)       looked to be about 7 years old. they rolled down the hill at the beginning, and suddenly the car (5)      . the son shouted, "i can't do it," his father (6)       said, "yes, you can."
  "no, i can't!"
  "yes, you can, son."
  the little boy was almost in tears, "i can't!" with deep patience, the father said, "son, you can do this. let me help you." then he taught the boy to push the gas pedal (踏板) and (7)       the car. and a few minutes later, the two went smoothly on their way down the track (轨道).
  the scene brought (8)       to my eyes. "yes, you can." the words whispered (悄声说) to my ears. then every time things got (9)       or when i had failures along the way, i would think of "yes, you can." that's where the true strength (力量) comes in. are you struggling (奋斗) with something today? you can (10)       the words "yes, you can."
2.  the new railway line linking china and laos (老挝) opened to traffic on december 3, 2021. all the passengers on the train were very excited.
  the line is 1, 035 kilometers long and it runs between kunming, the capital of yunnan province, and vientiane (万象), the capital of laos. it takes about 10 hours to get to vientiane from kunming. this line, with a top speed of 200 kilometers per hour, has 50 stations.
  engineer ouyang qiang took part in construction (建设) of the new line. "each station along the line has a special and beautiful view," he said, adding that yunnan has pleasant weather in all seasons and the views are fantastic all year round.
  hang dianhua, 76, was on the first train on friday from kunming to xishuangbanna. "one of my students took part in this project. it's a proud event for china. i hope to take the train with my daughter and two granddaughters who live in beijing in the future." hang said.
  jaruwan comes from thailand. now she works in yunnan. she was also a passenger on the train. she believes fruit from thailand can be sent faster and cheaper to china. and at the same time, the new tourism routes (路线) might be developed thanks to the line. more chinese people will take the railway to laos, and then visit thailand.
  the china-laos railway is part of a bigger plan to connect kunming all the way with singapore.
disney green experience — sorting (分类) & recycling adventure activities
▲begin the day with an exciting show performed by a band in tomorrowland. you can learn about waste sorting there.
▲visit the four recycling machines in fantasyland, treasure cove, tomorrowland and gardens of imagination, and get to know about how they work.
▲take a trip to fantasyland's tangled tree tavern, and you can practice sorting food waste there.
▲talk to custodial cast members and see how pieces of art are created using waste and recyclable materials. the materials were collected around the park. notes
◎the program is available for school groups of 50-200 students aged between 7 and 11 across the country.
◎those who join the program will be offered a one-day theme park ticket. if they finish all the activities in the program, they will also be given a special certificate (证书). 
4.  counting the hairs on your head would be very difficult. many have tried, but most people give up after losing count or getting bored! however, scientists say people have more than 100,000 hairs on their heads on average. of course, this number is different from person to person. some people have much more hair than others.
  what causes hair loss? there are many reasons, such as stress, illness and styling. it also runs in families. besides, many people simply lose hair as they grow older. to avoid losing hair, you should wash your hair correctly and condition (养护) your hair to help keep your hair healthy. it's also important to be gentle when brushing or combing hair.
  hair loss is not the same as daily shedding (脱落). people lose an average of 50 to 100 hairs a day. it's normal. if you are losing more hair than average, talk to the adults you trust. they can help you decide whether to ask a doctor for help.
  why do humans have hair on their heads? most other mammals (哺乳动物) have thick fur (毛) covering their whole bodies. while humans grow small and fine (细微的) hairs on much of their skin, it's much thicker on the top of the head. scientists say the answers come down to evolution. humans probably evolved without fur because they have more sweat glands (汗腺) than other mammals. humans walk upright on two legs. therefore, the top of their heads needs protection from the sun. this is why people have more hair on their heads than on the rest of their bodies. the hair also helps keep heat in cold weather and keep a healthy body temperature.
5.  we all know the sun is important. it makes life on our planet possible. but how does the sun do that? it's the sun's energy.
  energy from the sun is called solar energy (太阳能). it comes in the form of light or heat. people have used solar energy for thousands of years. the sun's energy can be used to heat water and even food. if you own a magnifying glass, your parents have probably warned you not to leave it in the sun. solar energy can actually make the magnifying glass burn objects underneath it, causing a fire. this type of energy from the sun is called solar thermal (热的) energy.
  we can also turn the sun's light into electricity. this is done with solar panels(板). solar panels are made up of a material called silicon (硅). the silicon is heated and formed into very thin wafers (晶片). when the sunlight hits the solar panel, the electrons in the silicon move and flow through wires (电线). using this technology, we can run a calculator and even power cars.
  but what happens on cloudy days? the electrons in the silicon will stop moving, which means the electricity can't flow. but this doesn't mean that solar energy can only be used on sunny days. people can use the batteries (电池) which are attached to (附着于) solar panels to store the electricity. so the stored electricity can be used to power cars at night or on cloudy days.
  did you know that solar energy is not as expensive as it used to be? in fact, in the last few years, solar panels have become much more affordable for people to use. since the sun gives off more energy in one second than people have used, imagine what we could do if we used the sun's energy to power our planet.

6.  when you use a knife and fork, you have to take the knife with your right hand and the fork with your left hand, or you can't put food into your mouth. but with chopsticks, you can solve the eating problems with just one hand. (1)      
  chopsticks were called "zhu" or "jia" in ancient china. it is said that they were invented by da yu, who successfully controlled the heavy flood (洪水). one day he was busy dealing with the flood. in order to save time when eating, he used two sticks from a tree to take the hot food. that was how chopsticks came into use. (2)      
  in fact, the earliest chopsticks found in china were made of bronze (青铜), which were unearthed from yinxu in anyang city, henan province.
  many people probably haven't realized the cultural meanings of chopsticks. (3)       do you notice that one end of chopsticks is square and the other end is round? so, why? according to our ancestors, the round end symbolized (象征) heaven and the square end symbolized earth. (4)       in chinese culture, it shows the perfect combination (结合) of yin and yang.
  the influence of chinese culture has stretched (延伸) far and wide. (5)       so it's unbelievable that foreigners cannot use chopsticks.
a. besides, chopsticks are used in pairs.
b. it's convenient and efficient (有效率的).
c. it was one of the legends (传说) about chopsticks.
d. at least 1.8 billion people are using chopsticks around the world.
e. they are regarded as one of the symbols of chinese food culture. 
7.there are 5 people waiting for nucleic acid testing (核酸检测) in front of me. i am the s       one.
8.to make the villagers' lives easier, our government will build a b       over the river.
9.wu dajing, together with his teammates,       (赢得) china's first gold medal at the 2022 winter olympics.
10.the students are often       (分开) into several groups by the teacher before discussing the difficult questions in class.
11.spacewalks can be dangerous. there is no air in space. and it's filled with       (有害的) radiation (辐射).
first; require; among; care; be; different; both; habit; how; finally 

  cooking is supposed to be the most basic living skill for humans. however, there are many kids who are used to being fed and taken (1)       of everywhere, like "little emperors and little princesses". they can't tell the (2)       between food materials like leeks (韭菜) and shallots (小葱).
  in order to stress (强调) the importance of hard-working spirit education (3)       students, the communist party of china central committee recently released (发布) the guidelines. the guidelines call for students to respect labor (劳动) work. students should learn basic life skills and develop good working (4)       through such education.
  students will be (5)       to understand and master the basics of home cooking, from preparing vegetables to (6)       being able to complete the whole process of home cooking independently. these will be lifelong skills for kids, helping them develop into well-rounded individuals (个体), not just students who (7)       able to take exams.
  as children's (8)       teachers, parents should also encourage children to learn (9)       to do chores at home. students should master one or two life skills every year. these skills can include cooking, washing their own clothes and tidying their rooms.
  it's really important for students to take labor education (10)       at school and at home.
13.water safety tips
[1] water is important in our life, but sometimes water can be dangerous for kids. so we must pay attention to the kids' safety in water. water safety begins at home or in the pool. here are some suggestions for you.
[2] be (4) ①______ of the hot water. hot water can be dangerous, especially for kids under five. these young kids have thinner skin than older kids and adults, so it's easier for them to be burnt (烫伤). staying in hot water that's 60℃ for just 3 seconds can give a child a third degree burn. you can reduce the risk by testing the water with your wrist (腕) or elbow before placing your kid in bath.
[3] watch out for danger in the bathroom. the bathroom is full of danger for young kids. never leave a young child alone in the bathroom, especially while he or she is bathing. remember to put away hair dryers and all other electrical appliances (家用电器) to avoid the risk.
[4] never let kids swim alone. swimming in the water may make you feel great. as the kids move in the water, many small muscle (肌肉) groups are working to help them keep balance. but it's not a perfect sport because of the risk of injury (伤害). for example, many types of swimming need repeated arm movements. over time, the movements can cause shoulder and neck injuries. so it's dangerous when they stay in the water alone. they may even drown (溺亡). so the kids are not supposed to swim (4) ② their parents' company (陪伴).
[5] everyone should realize the importance of water safety. (5) to keep the kids safe, we need to learn more about what we should do. after all, everyone (4) ③_____ only one life!
14.让青少年利用课余时间参加志愿者服务活动,对其成长具有重要意义,可以帮助他们学习新技能,增强沟通能力和社会责任感。暑假将至,请根据下面表格中的内容提示,以 "my volunteer work plan" 为题写一篇英语短文,介绍你选择的活动项目及活动计划,并谈谈参加志愿者服务活动的意义。
volunteer work 
◎help in the city library
◎clean up the city parks
◎hold a charity bazaar (义卖)
◎do volunteer work in a hospital
◎visit the old people's home

1. 可选择表格中的1-2个活动项目,也可自拟活动项目;
2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,词数80—100;
3. 文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名、地名等与考生本人相关的信息。
my volunteer work plan