
【2022年浙江省宁波市中考英语试卷】-第1页 试卷格式:2022年浙江省宁波市中考英语试卷.pdf
1.  andy was throwing an empty box when a woman and her daughter ran over.
  "you smell (1)      !" andy said to the woman.
  the woman said, "i just want you to (2)       me the box. it's how my daughter and i survive (生存)."
  "but it's just trash (垃圾)," said andy.
  "one person's trash is another person's (3)      ," the woman said, reaching out her hand, "can i have it?"
  "(4)       you want it, just take it out of the trash bin by yourself," andy replied (5)      . then he threw the box and walked towards his mother's car. the woman didn't say anything and took the box.
  andy told his mother about the dirty woman. his mother said in a (6)       voice, "andy, not everyone has good (7)      . your father left us when you were two years old. we lived a hard life. i couldn't find a (8)      , so we had to live on the streets. one day, i met a lady and she (9)       me to make money by recycling boxes. i (10)       her suggestion and our life changed after that…"
  hearing this, andy got out of the car and (11)       to the lady. "i am sorry for what i did. you're right. one person's trash is another person's treasure." then his mother came over and was (12)       to find the woman was just the lady who helped them out of trouble a few years ago. she said to the woman with (13)      , "you did so much for us. it's my turn to (14)       you. i would like you and your daughter to come and stay with us..." the girl and her mother were moved to tears.
  there are always some people who give us unexpected (15)      . so wherever we are, be kind to people around us.
2.how to look after your cat
  the first step to becoming a good cat owner is to choose the right kind of cat. it is how a cat behaves that is the most important, not what she looks like or how old she is. she is going to be your best friend. you will spend a lot of time playing together. but remember, you need to look after her every day. not just to start with, but for all her life.
  understanding your pet
  by watching your cat closely, you will learn her special way of talking. from the movement of her tail or ears, you will see if she is happy or sad. and you will soon understand what she is saying when she miaows.
  caring for your pet
  you will only be your cat's best friend if you care for her properly. you will need to make sure that she eats the right foods, always has water, and can get plenty of exercise every day. you will also have to bathe (给……洗澡) her often and spend some time training her.
3.victor's project
  as part of my history project on transport, i did some short interviews with people in my neighborhood. my first interview was with my friend susan's grandmother, mrs. sanderson.
  question 1
  how did you get to school when you were young?
  i walked to school with my friends, except for fridays when we had to carry all of our things for school sports. then we caught the bus. i enjoyed walking because we could chat on the way. i didn't like it when it was raining though, but mum always made sure i wore my raincoat and gumboots. on the other hand, i became a strong walker, and i believe that's why i've been healthy all my life.
  question 2
  my parents drive me to school. why didn't you go to school by car?
  you know, we were not rich enough at that time. we could not afford a car until after i had finished school.
  question 3
  how did you get around when you weren't going to school?
  we often went for a family trip by train. most weekends we went on picnics and i loved playing with my cousins in the park. the trip took much longer than it would take by car today of course.
  question 4
  how do you get around now?
  i still love walking, but i need to drive my grandchildren around, so i mainly use my car.
4.  katie's father was at the airport waiting to meet her. she was going to spend a week with him, and usually she really enjoyed their visits. but this time was different: her dad was getting married, and katie wasn't at all sure if she liked the idea.
  on the way from the airport to her dad's house, katie almost kept silent. finally, her dad asked, "do you want to talk about it, katie?"
  for a moment, katie sat silently. then she said, "i'm sorry, dad. i just don't think i want you to get married."
  "i thought you liked celia," katie's dad said.
  "i do like celia," katie answered, "it's not that at all. i just don't know if i want her for a stepmother — that's totally different."
  "it really is different," her dad agreed, "but i hope you'll get to like having celia as a stepmother. she likes you a lot, you know, and i'll bet megan will, too."
  "who's megan?" katie asked. she hadn't heard that name before.
  "she's celia's daughter," her dad replied, "she is your age, actually, so maybe you'll even have something in common."
  after dropping katie's luggage (行李) off at her dad's house, katie and her dad went to meet celia and megan at a restaurant. they were going to have dinner together. when they got to the restaurant, celia and megan were already there. celia introduced megan to katie. at first, katie didn't know what to say to megan! but then, megan said, "mom, don't forget i have swimming practice tomorrow."
  "you like to swim?" katie asked hopefully.
  "i love it — i'm on our school swimming team," megan answered excitedly, "do you swim?"
  "i love to swim, too." katie said with a smile. maybe having celia as a stepmother wasn't going to be so bad after all.
5.  recently, many people think it's risky to use credit (信用) card numbers online. however, from time to time, we all use passwords and id numbers on the internet. we think we are safe, but that may not be true! a new kind of attack (攻击) is being used by dishonest people to steal ids and credit card numbers from websurfers. this new kind of attack is called "phishing".
  phishing sounds the same as the word "fishing", and it means that a thief is trying to trick people into giving away valuable information. like real fishermen, phishers use bait (诱饵) in the form of great online deals or services. for example, phishers might use false emails and websites to trick people into revealing (透露) credit card numbers, account user names, and passwords. they imitate (模仿) well-known banks, online sellers, and credit card companies. successful phishers may make as many as 5% of the people believe and give away their personal information.
  it's really a big problem! actually, tricking 5% of the online population is huge. now more than 4.6 billion people have access (进入权) to the internet, and 75% of those internet users live in the wealthiest countries on earth. it has been reported that phishers send more than 40 billion false messages each year. even by tricking only 5% of the people, phishers can make a lot of money.
  amy, 18, from california, received an email. a man told amy that she could get a million dollars in her account as a reward if she sent a thousand dollars to him. amy did as the man said at once. the "thief" used amy's social security number to get credit cards in her name and transferred her money.
  how can people avoid being cheated online? above all, they have to learn to recognize the email that has been sent by a phisher. always be careful with any email with urgent (紧急的) requests for personal information. phishers typically write upsetting or exciting, but false statements in their emails so that people will reply right away. never give out personal information to phishers. and if an offer sounds too good to be true, it is.
6.交流是一门艺术,有效的交流需要一定的技巧。以下图片中的男士在交流中存在不当之处,请你将图片与相关描述(a—f) 进行匹配。选项中有一项为多余选项。
a. do you make eye contact (交流)? when you make eye contact, you're telling someone that you're interested in him or her, that you think the person is important, and that you want to hear what he or she has to say.
b. do you talk with toys? do you play with pens, tap your fingers, or clear your throat when you're talking with someone? these manners might make others uncomfortable, who may take you less seriously.
c. do you speak too fast? this is one of the most common communication problems. a slow speed of speech shows the importance of the message you're expressing. talking to people in an unhurried manner also gives the listener time to get what you have said.
d. do you interrupt? people who cut others off in mid-sentence not only send an unkind message, but also they cut themselves out of the communication process. remember that we can learn more from listening than from talking.
e. do you avoid overspeak? aristotle (亚里士多德) said, "think as the wise do, but speak as the common do." don't use big or difficult words. if others can't understand every time you open your mouth, and you may feel sorry for using "overspeak".
f. do you eat while you're talking? the next time you have a conversation with someone, never talk with your mouth full of food. such behavior makes people awful. 

7.we should do eye exercises       (两次) a day to take good care of our eyes.
8.with the coming of the 19th asian games, we can see symbols of the event       (到处).
9.lots of foreigners think that ningbo dumplings       (品尝) really good.
10.the lovely pandas on these       (邮票) remind me of my sweet childhood.
11.at a       (一刻钟) past seven last night, i was watching a documentary about space.
12.the       (当地的) government is paying more attention to environmental protection.
13.for most of the students, june is always the       (忙碌的) month in a year.
14.cathy enjoys       (解决) a problem by sharing it with her best friends.
15.many medical workers take an       (积极的) part in volunteering because of covid-19.
16.i have already       (节省) enough money to buy my father a tie as a father's day gift.
happen; also; show; nature; much 

  laughter is good for you, and that's no joke! a good laugh helps you right away. when you laugh, changes (1)       in your body. for example, you take in (2)       air than usual, which is good for your heart. a good laugh increases your heart rate. when you laugh, your brain also releases (释放) chemicals that make you feel happy. laughing can also make you feel relaxed for up to 45 minutes.
  laughter can (3)       reduce pain. you probably don't want to chuckle (偷笑) when you're hurt, but laughter helps the body make its own (4)       medicine. laughing is also great exercise! research (5)       that laughing 100 times is as good as riding a bike for 15 minutes.
  so why don't you try laughing out loud every day?
18.  it was the summer holidays and our family rented an apartment for a week near the beach. we all went to the beach on (1)       first day and it was fantastic! i did lots of surfing. the sea was really warm! while mum and dad were reading (2)      (they) books, my brother paul was building a big sandcastle (沙堡). he was happy for (3)      (hour)!
  on the evening we arrived, my parents were cooking supper when suddenly the computer stopped working. there was no electricity in the apartment! we had to eat our supper in the dark! the electricity didn't come on again (4)       late at night.
  the next day, we went to the market. we (5)      (shop) when suddenly dark clouds came over and it started to rain hard. dad (6)      (drive) us back to the apartment.
  when we got back, the rain was coming into paul's bedroom and his bed was very wet. so for the rest of the holiday he had to share my bedroom.
  (7)       the end of the holiday, mum and dad were cleaning the apartment when suddenly dad shouted, "oh, no!" paul and i ran into the kitchen. (8)       strange it was! paul's milk was drunk and my apples (9)      (eat) by a family of mice!
  we packed up our things and left the apartment very (10)      (quick)! we were all really glad to get home.
19.为弘扬中华民族“劳动最光荣”的传统美德,这学期你校组织了一系列劳动实践活动(a series of labour activities),假如你是李华,请根据表格中的信息并结合自身经历,写一篇英语短文向学校英语报投稿。
1. 短文必须包括表格中的所有要点,并适当发挥;
2. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;
3. 词数80—100;标题已给出,不计入总词数。
time things i learned my feelings 
march grow vegetables and plant trees ... 
april repair things like electric fans... 
may ... 

let's enjoy working!