
【2022年湖北省黄冈市、孝感市、咸宁市中考英语试卷】-第1页 试卷格式:2022年湖北省黄冈市、孝感市、咸宁市中考英语试卷.pdf
1.—what's your favorite ______?
—winter. i can make a snowman.
  • a. subject
  • b. season
  • c. animal
  • d. sport
2.—i hear your parents have moved to the village.
—yes. the countryside is more ______ than before.
  • a. terrible
  • b. boring
  • c. comfortable
  • d. crowded
3.—it's ______ birthday of ccyl (中国共青团) this year, isn't it?
—yes, it is. we had a party for it.
  • a. 100
  • b. 100s
  • c. 100's
  • d. the 100th
4.—hello! may i speak to kate?
—sorry, she isn't in. she ______ ping pong outside.
  • a. is playing
  • b. plays
  • c. played
  • d. will play
5.一maria, don't forget to ______ the sports shoes. you have a p. e. class today.
一thanks, mom. i won't.
  • a. get up
  • b. put on
  • c. take off
  • d. cut down
6.—dad, how about planting some trees in our yard?
—good idea! trees can ______ the water from washing the earth away.
  • a. accept
  • b. prevent
  • c. discover
  • d. choose
7.—it's impolite to speak loudly ______.
—i think so.
  • a. in fact
  • b. in time
  • c. in public
  • d. in danger
8.—many diy cards ______ to mothers on mother's day every year.
—how creative!
  • a. is sending
  • b. are sending
  • c. is sent
  • d. are sent
9.—excuse me, i'm new here. could you tell me ______?
—sure. go along this road, and you can't miss it.
  • a. where was the museum
  • b. how can i get to the museum
  • c. where is the museum
  • d. how i can get to the museum
10.—would you like to have a picnic with us?
—________. thanks.
  • a. yes, i'd love to
  • b. it doesn't matter
  • c. i'm sorry to hear that
  • d. i don't think so
11.  jim, a successful businessman, told an experience of his childhood.
  when he was 12, his parents died. he was alone and didn't (1)       others. no one showed kindness to him. people always laughed (2)       him. his only friend was a dog named bobby. he (3)       his dog enough to eat and drink, but he was a little rude (粗鲁的) to it sometimes.
  one day when he was going down the street, he saw a young lady walking in front of him. suddenly, one of her (4)       dropped (掉落) from her arms. as she stopped to pick it up, she dropped other bags. jim came to help (5)      . "thank you, dear! you are a nice little boy!" the lady said kindly and (6)      , smiling.
  a special feeling came to him. he had (7)       heard such kind words before. he watched her until she went far away. he was so (8)       that he whistled (吹口哨) to his dog.
  "thank you, dear! you are a nice little boy!" he repeated the woman's words. then in a low (9)       he said to his dog, "you are a nice little dog!" bobby raised its ears. it seemed that the dog had understood (10)       he said. "even a dog likes it!" he thought.
  "well, bobby, i won't say unkind words to you anymore." he said. bobby waved its tail happily. later, they went directly to the river nearby. when he (11)       at the riverside, he looked at himself in the river. he saw (12)       but a dirty boy. he washed his face carefully. after that, he saw a nice (13)       boy. from then on, he started a new life.
  after telling this (14)      , the businessman stopped for a while. then he said, "ladies and gentlemen, it was that kind woman who planted the first seed of kindness in me. all of us (15)       learn about kindness. what great power it has!"
12.  chinese dishes highlight (增色) beijing winter olympics. many foreign winter olympics players have gone crazy about chinese food.
 julia marino has tried lots of different foods in beijing. but when she was asked in an interview what her favorite meal was at the olympic village, marino answered quickly, "my favorite food is jiaozi. i've probably had about 200 jiaozi since i came here." 
 snowboarder jenise spiteri, from malta, is another big fan of chinese food, especially red bean buns. "it's my favorite food that i have in the olympic village," said spiteri. "i started eating them on the first day and then for breakfast, lunch and dinner." she has become the "red bean bun girl" in china. 
 jutta leerdam, a 23-year-old speed skating player, from the netherlands, posted (发帖) her favorite spicy hotchpotch (麻辣烫) on the internet. "this is the famous chinese snack — spicy hotchpotch. it is healthier than burgers and fries." 
 german figure skater nicole schott said one of her favorite foods in the olympic village was rice. "it is different from all of our european rice," she said. "that's actually what i eat every single day although i have brought foods from home." 
13.  "wow!" said susan. "i have finished my homework and i'm going to paint a picture of our stairs (楼梯). it's for a competition in school tomorrow."
  "do you need any help?" her father asked. "it's almost time for bed."
  "i'll be quick," said susan. "i wonder what color to use."
  "well, our stairs are brown." said her father. "thanks, dad." said susan.
  when she finished her picture, susan began playing with her brush which was still wet.
  suddenly, she dropped the brush right on the picture! there in the middle of her picture was a blob (污点) of brown paint!
  "oh, dad! what will i do?" susan cried. "my picture is ruined. and it's too late to paint another."
  "let me see," said her father. "the blob looks just like a spot on a dog. all you have to do is to draw a dog around the spot!"
  "that's a wonderful idea!" cried susan. she drew a dog around the blob of brown paint.
  "that looks just fine. you know, few things are as bad as they are seen at first. with a little imagination you can turn bad into good." said susan's father.
  the next day susan went to school early. when the competition began, mr. king said, "i've chosen three pictures, and i want you to say which one you like best." the children did not like the first one. the next picture was on black paper, but the stairs were red. so it was not so good. then mr. king showed the third painting. it was susan's!
  "the stairs are straight." said joe.
  "yes, and the brown paint shows up well on the white paper." said lucy.
  "the little dog seems to belong there." said terry.
  the children voted (投票) and susan's painting won.
  "susan had a good idea," mr. king said. "that little dog finished a good painting. it made the stairs seem real."
  susan smiled. she could hardly wait to tell her father the news. he was right. with a little imagination you can turn something bad into something good!
14.  online classes in space got lots of attention among chinese students. the "classroom" in space station is about 400 kilometers away from the earth. the space classes make the young be proud of our country. as a special "teacher", wang yaping is regarded as "the most beautiful astronaut".
  wang yaping was born in a small village in shandong in 1980. she studied hard all those years. she was good at all subjects, especially sports. luckily, in 1997, she was accepted by the air force, changchun flight academy.
  wang's space dream started in 2003, when china sent its first astronaut yang liwei into space. she told herself, "china now has a male astronaut. when will there be a female one?" at that time, wang was a pilot in the chinese army. after having safe flights for 1, 600 hours during nine years in the training center, wang was a strong candidate (候选人) to become an astronaut in 2010. in 2013, wang realized her space dream. she was sent to space by shenzhou 10. she joined the team of shenzhou 13 in 2021 and flew into the space for the second time.
  however, it is difficult to be an astronaut. she has to experience a lot of pain that most people can't stand and keep training all the time. wang yaping told xinhua, "the space environment won't change because you are a woman." she pushed herself hard, getting the same training as men, including the pull-ups and barbells (杠铃). that finally made her dream come true.
  "you are on the way to success as long as you stick to your dreams." wang yaping said. she set a good example to the young. millions of students are encouraged and inspired by the most beautiful astronaut.
15.  sometimes we may forget something easily. don't worry. if you want to have a good memory, please follow me. (1)      
  my first advice is that if you want to remember something well, you have to review it regularly (有规律地). after you learned the material, you need to review it right away, then two days later, then a week later, then two weeks later, and then a month later. (2)      
  my second advice is to mark the important parts of your book. this will help you in two ways. on the one hand, it will help you concentrate on (专注于) the most important parts. it is always easier to remember only the key points. (3)       when you open your book, the colored parts will show you the most important parts at once. in this way, you needn't read every word again.
  (4)       one good time for memorizing information is in the evening. review what you have learnt before going to bed. it will be kept in your mind deeply. the other good time is in the morning because you have just rested and your brain is fresh and clear. (5)      
  remember all the advice above, and your memory will be better and better.

a. on the other hand, this will make reviewing easier.
b. here is some advice to help improve your memory.
c. another piece of advice is to review at a proper time.
d. you have to read the whole book from the beginning to the end.
e. so it's easy to memorize the important information in the morning.
f. after a month, you will find that you can remember the material easily. 
16.阅读下面的短文, 在空白处填入一个适当的单词或用括号内单词的正确形式填空.(每空不超过三个词)
  in a small village, a boy named mark lived with his father, a wise old man. one day, mark told his father (1)      (sad) that he made little progress in learning the guitar. no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't improve. mark asked his father (2)       some help.
  "follow me, and i (3)      (lead) you to the high hills around the village tomorrow." said his father. the next day, they set out. the road was long and difficult, (4)       mark still followed his father. as they got higher, the father said that he wanted to go to the top of the highest hill where he had never been to. mark was surprised but decided (5)      (help) his father.
  with great difficulty, mark helped his father climb the hill. sometimes he even carried his father on his back. at the top, he put his father on the ground and laughed with joy.
  "when you were (6)       little boy, sometimes you returned home with tears in your eyes," said his father. "the elder children laughed at you. do you remember why?"
  mark nodded. he remembered that as a child, he and all his (7)       (friend) called this hill mount impossible, because small children couldn't reach its top.
  "and today," said his father, "you not only climbed here, but also helped (8)      (i) to get here."
  "i became bigger and (9)      (strong) than before." said mark.
  "instead of (10)      (climb) mount impossible every day, you played on the smaller hills and became better at climbing," said his father. "it became possible for you to climb mount impossible while you weren't even thinking about it."
17.你能帮我寻找丢失的校服吗? (look)
could you help me to        the lost school uniform?
people should        travelling by public transportation.
we should learn to        the problems by ourselves.
they        some ideas to offer the young more jobs last month.
the train is late. we        it at the station since two hours ago.
the school sports meeting had to        because of the rain.
23.习主席寄语青少年:“未来属于你们!你们要成为有理想,有本领,有担当的年轻人。” (belong)
president xi told teenagers, "future        you. you are to be a person with ideals, abilities and a strong sense of responsibility."
1. 他/她有什么特点(外貌, 性格……)?
2. 他/她对你影响最深的一件事是什么?
3. 你想怎样感谢他/她?
1. 词数90左右(开头已经给出,不计入总词数);
2. 根据要点提示,可以适当发挥;
3. 文中不得出现真实的姓名及校名。
参考词汇:be grateful to 对……心存感激;have an influence on 对……有影响;care about 关心;unforgettable 难以忘怀的
the person i want to express my thanks
  in my life, many people helped and influenced me a lot. the person i want to express my thanks most is _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________